by Mutiara Intan Rismaya

Artists’ Bios

Mutiara Intan Rismaya: Recently as secretary of Lokus Foundation. Interested for learning something new and high curiosity. 

Fitria D. Ayuningtyas: biotechnology researcher with expertise in stem cell and tissue engineering. Interested and love to explore scientific phenomena from different perspectives.

Syaiful Garibaldi: a visual artist with works sparked by his interest in the networked and interconnected nature of ecologies.

Andro M.M. Napitupulu: a visual artist and art  handler certified and also tatto enthusiast. His creation emphasizing the interconnection between myth, symbols, nature and death, sacrum profanum.   

Contact info

Email: mutiararismaya03 [at] gmail [dot] com

Various microorganisms live and develop in the human body where the whole system becomes the microbiome.

Just like the natural ecosystems, the balance of interaction between biotics and abiotics factors need to be sustained, the same law of nature also applies to the balance of microbiomes in the human body. Khodam in our local terms, is defined as supernatural or the ‘unseen’ creatures which play a role as human companions. A similar ‘unseen’ or supernatural condition also applied to the microorganism. Various microorganisms that accompany humans since birth. Ways to recognize conditions of the microbiome were conducted through practice of recording the food intake and characterizing microorganisms in the digestive system. Through this work, the process of self recognition as a microbiome for other organisms, seems to be a spiritual connection between oneself and its environment.

Keywords: Microbiome, Khodam, Diet, Balance

Artist and Affiliation:
Mutiara Intan Rismaya, Lokus Foundation, Indonesia
Syaiful Aulia Garibaldi, Lokus Foundation, Indonesia
Fitria Dwi Ayuningtyas, Lokus Foundation, Indonesia
Andro M.M. Napitupulu, Lokus Foundation, Indonesia


I.N.S.E.C.T. WALL TWIN | Asya Ilgün
