by Sarah Khan

Sarah Khan

FSarah Khan is a researcher based in Peshawar with a background in biotechnology and planetary sciences. Most of her works include planet-oriented synthetic biology and bio-art projects from bacterial paints & dyes to biosensors for environmental pollutants to storing information in the immortal molecule of life; DNA. She is passionately committed to replacing current tools, techniques, and technologies with nature. With the flux of time, she adds a new Circle of Venn into her existing circles of biology, art & design, fashion & sustainable materials, geosciences, and religion & spirituality.

Contact info

Email: iamcarah [at] gmail [dot] com

Instagram/Twitter: @carah.khan

Representing the people of Peshawar with imaginary yet non-fictional proteins.

The project questions if the abstract qualities of human beings such as hopefulness, bravery, honesty, intelligence, and creativity have so far no proteins (identified), how best can the nature of those traits be presented. 

Momal Agha (a dentist) and Sarah Khan (a biologist-artist) set out to create tangible forms of the hypothetical proteins existing within the people of Peshawar proudly showcasing their traits for which they are known for, and at the same time, challenging the stereotypes linked with the people of their community. The project used biological dogma in reverse to convert the traits of the people of Peshawar (PoP) into structural forms of proteins and built their structures from scratch using the RaptorXsoftware for re-coded DNA information based on the speculative traits. In order to give a tangible shape to those hypothetical proteins, they were sculpted with malleable stainless steel wires using round pliers and cutters to mould them into the desirable 3D forms - similar to the wire bending methods used in dentistry to construct labial bows and various clasps.

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CELL PORTRAITS | Lera Niemackl
