by Laura Civetti

Laura Civetti

I’m a Researcher and Designer specialized in Computational design and Bio materials for the development of innovative cloth, questioning the relationship between body, material and environment.

Graduated from Interior Design at IED in Milan, with thesis research on Eco-Yacht design, I soon shifted my curiosity in the new scenarios between the emerging technologies in the textile industry. In 2016, I attended a Fashion course at UAL in  London and in 2018  I received my diploma at FABRICADEMY Barcelona from FAB LAB  and in 2022 I have started the Master Science in Computational and Advance design at DesignMorphine.

Contact info

Email: lauracivetti [at] gmail [dot] com

Particulate matter and toxic chemical pollutants are pervasive in the air.

Due to this environment changes a protective mask is becoming an important accessory to wear. The standardized masks, on the current market, are not able to complete with the main protections required due to the variation of the user’s facial anatomy and the different pollution density in the cities.

Thanking into account the above problems The Prosthetic mask research aims to enhance a common protective mask using data-driven design techniques, based on human anatomy data to minimize the air leak and environment pollution data to provide the correct air filtration according to the pollution in the different cities.

People involved
Designer and research: Laura Civetti
Tutor: Anastasia Pistofidou
Tutor assistance: Mohamad Elatab
Mentor: Aldo Sollazzo
Material technology: PrimLab
Photographer: Federica Ciccone
Model: Pauline Temme


NIGHTJAR | Kelly Heaton


GUSH | Sasha Fishman